Comm issues

This is my blog site I'll be using for my Mass Comm & Society class as well as my Editing/Design class. I will be posting my thoughts on topics that I feel need noted upon that arise in class.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

The spirit of Christmas is already here

There are so many classical and traditional holiday movies out that it becomes a seasonal ritual to sit down and watch those that you've grown up with year after year. One of these movies is "The Nativity Story".

This movie serves as a newer version of the real Christmas story. Mel Gibson has already proved to be a worthy film director with his big hit with "Passion of the Christ" in 2004. This movie has big shoes to fill.

"The Nativity Story" has it all: Mary and Joseph's journey to Bethlehem, King Herod's order to slay the first-born over his paranoia about prophecies of a new king, the angel Gabriel's appearance to shepherds in the field, the trek of the Three Magi from the East.
The story of Joseph and Mary's journey is a classical example of the typical narrative pattern with the first stable situation evolving into a disruption and then being resolved into the second stable situation.

While you're on your holiday break, you certainly won't have to worry about being bored. Just jump in your car, take a seat in the movie theatre with some popcorn, and you're set!


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