Comm issues

This is my blog site I'll be using for my Mass Comm & Society class as well as my Editing/Design class. I will be posting my thoughts on topics that I feel need noted upon that arise in class.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Who's next on the elimination list?

I'm taken back by all the stories of newspaper companies making tremendous cuts to their staff. The Los Angeles Times has an article about Edward Kosner, an incredible editor of forty-five years who has now been fired from his Newsweek post.

To those who think an editor's job is a piece of cake, Kosner invites you to think again.
"An editor's job is not just about managing people and making news deadlines. It's about maintaining standards."
"It's News to Me: The Making and Unmaking of an Editor," published this week by Thunder's Mouth Press, allowed Kosner to take readers behind the scenes of an editor's world. This also gave him the opportunity to write about how rough it really is in the newspaper and magazine scene.
"It's not like I've written a handy manual for editors, but all these experiences speak for themselves," said Kosner.
Thanks to the Internet and other sources, editors like Kosner who have put years of hard work into the newspaper business suddenly find themselves wondering what the future has in store for themselves and other newspaper staff alike.


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